EUROCONTROL Making TMAs more efficient (2/4)

The impact of Airspace versus Operations in the last 50NM
Multimedia file 01:03:04 13 Dec 2023 14:24
This is a recording of a webinar that took place in November 2023.

At EUROCONTROL, we support the development of efficient procedures to improve the performance of the European ATM network. We help to optimise airspace design, flight procedures and trajectories to reduce fuel burn and emissions while balancing capacity with principles of green flight efficiency.

With the convergence and crossing of multiple arrival and departure traffic flows, terminal areas are generally complex airspace subject to periods of high congestion, thus causing significant flight inefficiencies. At the EUROCONTROL Innovation Hub, we work to quantify these inefficiencies, determine their nature and identify sources for improvement.

Join the EUROCONTROL Innovation Hub in this four episodes webinar series, to gain insight into our work, starting with a focus on arrival flights to the main European airports:
  • Episode 2: What is the situation in terms of flight efficiency? The impact of airspace versus operations in the last 50NM.