Predictive turnaround planning and management

Multimedia file 01:04:47 14 Jan 2025 10:09
This is a recording of a webinar that took place in June 2023.
ATM has historically addressed aircraft moving in the air and on the ground, but not aircraft standing at their gate. As a consequence, this led to a lack of transparency by most of parties involved regarding what happens between in-block and off-block. From an operational perspective, 11 million flights were recorded over Europe in 2018, and the total of delay experienced was 123 million minutes; 21.6% of these delay was allocation to turnaround delay. From the financial perspective, and based on EUROCONTROL CBA standards, this represents a waste of money of 660 MEUR.

In order to mitigate this, EUROCONTROL and many Airports in Europe initiated projects in order to monitor and better predict turnaround performance.

The primary objective of this webinar was to provide attendees with the latest development in order to enhance turnaround performance monitoring and prediction.